Search engine optimization (SEO) has always been associated with Google. However, many large-scale websites have their own internal search engines and ranking strategies. The granddaddy of them all is Amazon, home to more than 200 million products. Amazon, in fact, is the biggest online retailer and continues to grow, largely because of the ease of starting an Amazon-related business.

For buyers, searching Amazon is more productive than searching Google. Google is great for providing information but Amazon is all about commerce. Products that rank high in Amazon will get more clicks and, ultimately, more sales.

While Google finds the right pages for visitors, Amazon finds the right products. This is done through Amazon’s search engine algorithm called A9. A9 is tasked with giving users the best experience by matching them up with appropriate products. Google aims to bring traffic to websites. Amazon, on the other hand, finds products that result in the best sales conversions.

Amazon sales pages are ranked according to the following variables:

  • Immediate sales – A9 is not just concerned about overall sales of a product but primarily recent sales. Products that sell continuously and consistently can maintain their position.
  • Verified reviews – Reviews are powerful variables in Amazon rankings. Verified reviews come from consumers who have purchased certain products and used their Amazon account to leave reviews afterward. Feedback from people who have not purchased Amazon products do not qualify as verified reviews.
  • CTR versus CTS – Click Through Rates indicate when people find a product. Amazon considers CTR in its rankings, but it also figures in CTS (Click to Sales) numbers.
  • Sales Page Content – Search engines, including Amazon, use words in stratifying content. In this way, the SEO tactics between Google and Amazon are similar.
  • Amazon Special Keywords – Uploading products at Amazon requires seven key words. These words are not metatags, but they are used internally by Amazon. When you upload your product, Amazon only gives a limited list of categories. Choose the categories that best fit your product.

Amazon SEO is a different world than Google SEO, but if sellers take the time to understand its nuances, they can maximize their online retail business.